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Auteur | Messages | ||
valaquarus | #1 Posté le 7/8/2024 à 17:31:53 | ||
-- Unus Ex Altera --![]() | Quand j'utilise ce morceau de code pour retrouver les informations de la video avec VLC, le lecteur se fige et plus rien ne se passe sans erreur. Ça se fige ici, puisque j'y ai mis des balises
J'aurais simplement besoin des dimensions de la video pour adapter la fenêtre. Système d'exploitation : KDE Manjaro.testing ~ Version Gambas : 3.20.1 | ||
vuott | #2 Posté le 7/8/2024 à 18:57:30 | ||
Ne cedere ineluctabili possimus | ...fonctionne pour moi. Essayez ceci: <codex> Library "libvlc:5" Public Struct video_track_t i_height As Integer i_width As Integer i_sar_num As Integer i_sar_den As Integer i_frame_rate_num As Integer i_frame_rate_den As Integer i_orientation As Integer i_projection As Integer f_yaw As Single f_pitch As Single f_roll As Single f_field_of_view As Single i_multiview As Byte End Struct Public Struct media_track_t i_codec As Integer i_original_fourcc As Integer i_id As Integer i_type As Integer i_profile As Integer i_level As Integer union As Pointer i_bitrate As Integer psz_language As Pointer psz_description As Pointer End Struct Private Enum libvlc_media_parse_local = 0, libvlc_media_parse_network, libvlc_media_fetch_local, libvlc_media_fetch_network = 4, libvlc_media_do_interact = 8 'libvlc_instance_t * libvlc_new (int argc, const char *const *argv) ' Create And initialize a libvlc instance. Private Extern libvlc_new(argc As Integer, argv As String[]) As Pointer 'libvlc_media_t * libvlc_media_new_path (libvlc_instance_t *p_instance, const char *path) ' Create a media for a certain file path. Private Extern libvlc_media_new_path(p_instance As Pointer, path As String) As Pointer 'int libvlc_media_parse_with_options (libvlc_media_t *p_md, libvlc_media_parse_flag_t parse_flag, int timeout) ' Parse the media asynchronously with options. Private Extern libvlc_media_parse_with_options(p_md As Pointer, parse_flag As Integer, timeout As Integer) As Integer 'libvlc_time_t libvlc_media_get_duration(libvlc_media_t *p_md) ' Get duration (in ms) of media descriptor object item. Private Extern libvlc_media_get_duration(p_md As Pointer) As Long 'char* libvlc_media_get_meta (libvlc_media_t * p_md, libvlc_meta_t e_meta) ' Read the meta of the media. Private Extern libvlc_media_get_meta(p_md As Pointer, e_meta As Integer) As String 'unsigned libvlc_media_tracks_get (libvlc_media_t * p_md, libvlc_media_track_t *** tracks) ' Get media descriptor's elementary streams description. Private Extern libvlc_media_tracks_get(p_md As Pointer, tracks As Pointer) As Integer 'void libvlc_media_release (libvlc_media_t *p_md) ' Decrement the reference count of a media descriptor object. Private Extern libvlc_media_release(p_md As Pointer) 'libvlc_release (libvlc_instance_t * p_instance) ' Decrement the reference count of a libvlc instance, and destroy it if it reaches zero. Private Extern libvlc_release(p_instance As Pointer) Public Sub Main() Dim inst, md, p As Pointer Dim tm As Long Dim b As Byte Dim s As String Dim tp, i, c As Integer Dim mt As Media_track_t Dim vt As Video_track_t Dim meta As String[] = ["Title:", "Artist:", "Genre", "Copyright:", "Album", "TrackNumber:", "Description:", "Rating:", "Date:", "Setting:", "URL:", "Language:", "NowPlaying:", "Publisher:", "EncodedBy:", "ArtworkURL:", "TrackID:", "TrackTotal:", "Director:", "Season:", "Episode:", "ShowName:", "Actors:", "AlbumArtist:", "DiscNumber:", "DiscTotal:"] s = "/chemin/du/FICHIER/vidéo" Print "Chemin du fichier vidéo: "; s inst = libvlc_new(0, Null) If inst == 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !") md = libvlc_media_new_path(inst, s) If md == 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !") libvlc_media_parse_with_options(md, libvlc_media_parse_local, 0) tm = libvlc_media_get_duration(md) Print "Durée: "; Time(0, 0, 0, tm) Print "\n- \e[1mMétadonnées \e[0m-\n" For n = 0 To meta.Max s = libvlc_media_get_meta(md, n) If Not IsNull(s) Then Print meta[n]; String(17 - Len(meta[n]), Chr(32)); s Next Repeat Wait 0.01 i = libvlc_media_tracks_get(md, VarPtr(p)) Until i > 0 For n = 0 To i - 1 mt = Pointer@(p + (SizeOf(gb.Pointer) * n)) tp = mt.i_type c = mt.i_original_fourcc If tp == 1 Then vt = mt.union Print "\n\e[31mDimensions de la vidéo: \e[1m"; vt.i_width; "x"; vt.i_height Endif Next ' Libère la mémoire: libvlc_media_release(md) libvlc_release(inst) End </codex> « Vita non suavis esse potest, nec Mors amara. » | ||
valaquarus | #3 Posté le 7/8/2024 à 19:14:28 | ||
-- Unus Ex Altera --![]() | Pas de chance : Système d'exploitation : KDE Manjaro.testing ~ Version Gambas : 3.20.1 | ||
vuott | #4 Posté le 7/8/2024 à 20:47:04 | ||
Ne cedere ineluctabili possimus | Il y a un problème de formatage: La ligne est comme ceci : Print "\n\e[31mDimensions de la vidéo: \e[1m"; vt.i_width; "x"; vt.i_height « Vita non suavis esse potest, nec Mors amara. » | ||
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